Note: You are viewing the website for the 2020 Auckland Pride Festival. Visit for the most current Festival website.

Media Release

17 August 2018


With the annual Auckland Pride Community Hui series about to commence, the Board of Auckland Pride is pleased to welcome two new members, announce key roles, and request expressions of interest for the appointment of two remaining Board positions.

Following Cassie Roma’s resignation as Chair, well-known community facilitator Cissy Rock has been appointed to the position with the unanimous support of all Board members.

Since the 2018 Festival, Cissy Rock has been working closely with the Board, developing the strategic policies and plans that will set up Auckland Pride for future success. In accordance with the constitution, Rock will serve as Chair for the remainder of Roma’s term, stepping down ahead of the next Annual General Meeting in 2019.

“I really want to make a space for all the community voices that want to be heard,” says the new Chair. “To have those conversations that we need to have, that should be part of any energetic and robust Pride Festival.”

The Board also welcomes former Auckland Pride Festival Director Ta’i Paitai who was elected at the recent AGM, and welcomes back Zakk d’Larté who was re-elected at the AGM for a second term.

The new Board members join current members Verity George, Matt Jackson, Michael Lett and Adrian Noda. Lett has been elected to the role of Secretary, while Jackson has been elected as Treasurer.

The Board is now calling for expressions of interest for the appointment of two remaining Board positions. For more information, please email [email protected].

Throughout August, the Board invites LGBTIQ+ individuals and Tāmaki Makaurau’s rainbow communities to have your say at the annual Auckland Pride Community Hui series.

Open to everyone, the dates and venues for the 2018 Auckland Pride Community Hui series are:

Saturday 18 August, 2pm – 4pm
Studio One Toi Tū, 1 Ponsonby Road

Tuesday 21 August, 7pm– 9.30pm
Te Unga Waka Marae, 1 Clyde Street, Epsom

Wednesday 22 August, 7pm– 9pm
Online Hui, Facebook Live

Saturday 25 August, midday– 4pm
Ministry for Pacific Peoples, 2/22 Amersham Way, Manukau



Note: You are viewing the website for the 2020 Auckland Pride Festival. Visit for the most current Festival website.

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