Have you been trying to make friends? or maybe you’ve been looking for more than a friend? Well have we got the solution for you, Mate Me: Date Me is a Speed Dating Style night that lets you make a mate-ch or a date-ch (get it … match??? – hahaha *laughs in 80’s laugh*).
That’s right folks, we have created a night for you to make a new friend or make a new “friend” (quotations for effect). It’ll be a hoot, because not everyone will be after you toot, maybe more your ‘good on ya mate’.
So why not register yourself down for the night to find your perfect match, you could meet someone you never suspected could be the perfect mate-ch. Hello Tiger, Rawr…. Cause Ladies and Gentlemen, life’s to short to be taken seriously, its also a heck of lot more boring with out a few mate-chess, so what are you waiting for. Put your name down!
Disclaimer – This event is not to solely find a new partner, we are also encouraging friendships and the opportunity to meet new people in a completely platonic setting that is friendly and welcoming for all.
11 Feb 7pm: Ellen Melville Centre
13 Feb 9pm: Te Oro